A group of elderly people painting in an art class

mindSCAPE is a project that helps older people with memory challenges, including dementia and stroke, and their carers connect to creativity and nature through art. Artspace have been running mindSCAPE since 2014, and have had the privilege to work with hundreds of participants over the years, some of whom have been part of the group since the very early days.
We hold fortnightly creative sessions, facilitated by professional artists, at the Westdean Centre in Bream on Tuesdays from 11am. Booking is required, participation is free, and a light lunch is provided.
We usually have a waiting list for participants, however, if you or someone you care for might benefit from being part of the mindSCAPE community please get in touch for more information or to enquire about availability.
Booking is essential as spaces are limited. If you, or someone you know would like to access the programme, please email mindscape@artspacecinderford.org or call 01594 825111


Several pictures of insects on a table


mindSCAPE is supported by funding from the Forest of Dean District Council and The National Lottery Community Fund. Artspace is a proud member of the Forest of Dean Dementia Action Alliance [link: https://www.foddaa.co.uk/].