Andrew Toomer
Hi Andrew. Thank you so much for all your wonderful submissions to the Artspace Gallery, and for taking the time to talk about you and your work.

Q – How did you get into photography?
A – I have been interested in photography since I was around 17 when I used to shoot live concerts for a small promoter in South Wales. I then went many years without a camera. It is only since the beginning of this year I have pursued it to the degree that I am now.

Q – Have you taught yourself, or have you had any formal photographic training?
A – I consider myself to be predominantly self taught, I have used various websites for help along the way, and have had some assistance from some photographer friends but a lot of what I have learnt through trial and error.

Q – What is the main subject of your photographs and why is this?
A – The main focus of my photography is wildlife. I have always been interested in animals and have always enjoyed visiting places such as zoos and wildlife centers. I think the reason I focus on wildlife predominantly is I want to show a side to the world that many people do not take the time to witness and many do not appreciate.

Q – Where do you live and does living there influence your creative process or provide inspiration in another way? Are there any other places that inspire you?
A – I have grown up in the Forest of Dean so of course having such an abundance of wildlife right on my doorstep has been a great inspiration. I also find inspiration anywhere that wildlife thrives. It would be a dream to shoot in places such as Kenya, Costa Rica and Brazil.

Q – What kind of gear do you use?
A – My current set up is a Canon 5d MK IV and Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6 mark II. I also use a Manfrotto monopod and K&F Concept tripod.

Q – Are most of your photos taken using a tripod or handheld?
A – The majority of my work is taken handheld but always carry a tripod and monopod just to be safe.

Q – How do you approach a new location that you haven’t shot at before? Do you spend time scouting before shooting, etc.?
A – I spend a lot of time researching locations to shoot along with ideal times of the year for certain types of wildlife.

Q – Do you get better photos from setup and wait for action to “happen” or get shots on the move?
A – This purely comes down to the day and the location, I have had great results from both setting up and on the move.

Q – Are there fellow photographers who inspire you, who either work with the same media as you, or in other fields?
A – I draw inspiration from so many photographers that specialize in the same field as me but also have always had a great deal of respect for photographers such as Ansel Adams and David Bailey.
One of my favorite wildlife photographers at the moment is Dani Connor and I have always been inspired by a friend of mine Robin Jones, he has helped me no end with my photography journey so far.

Q – Is a majority of your work using manual or auto focus?
A – I mainly use auto focus due to fast moving subjects, with the exception of dragonflies for some reason I find shooting dragonflies easier with manual focus.

Q – Is there a photograph you are most proud of? Why?
A – I am incredibly critical of my own work, so I’d probably have to go with no.

Q – What’s the most useful photographic tip you have learnt?
A – I think the most important thing I have learnt that is relevant to my discipline would be not to get discouraged by a slow day. Sometimes I spend hours in the forest and come home with nothing and it used to bother me. Now I try to just enjoy the time and if I come home with a shot it’s a bonus.

Q – Are there any other art forms that you would like to try?
A – I tried drawing once, that was the end of that!