Sandra Walding
Hi Sandra. Thank you so much for all your wonderful submissions to the Artspace Gallery, and for taking the time to talk about you and your work.

Q – What is your background?
A – I have worked in the Building Industry for 35 years with no interest in photography at all.

Q – How did you get into photography?
A – By accident, I had a 25 year award at work and was awarded a gift of
a Nikon D3100 camera. I didn’t understand camera settings and
basically didn’t have a clue.

Q – Have you taught yourself, or have you had any formal training?
A – Self taught, but I have been on a few courses to try to improve my
technique. I have learnt from YouTube and fellow Club members
really. I like Gary Gough who does long exposure and this is
something I am starting to try out.

Q – Where do you live and does living there influence your creative
process or provide inspiration in another way? Are there any other
places that inspire you?
A – I live in Cinderford. Pembrokeshire inspires me. Somehow it seems easier to do on the coast.

Q – Do you have a favorite subject and if so, why?
A – Flowers and macro. I love the intricate nature of the flower and
macro suits this really well.

Q – What kind of gear do you use?
A – Fuji XT20 and XT3, with lenses up to 400mm and as low as a 8mm
wide angle lens which bends buildings really well.

Q – Where do you get your inspiration from?
A – Watching YouTube videos. Also sharing ideas with other members
of my Camera Club. I also belong to Facebook creative macro and
Impressionist groups.

Q – How would you describe your style? How has your style evolved
over ;me, and what has influenced its development?
A – My style is going more towards impressionistic and abstract. I am
getting more interested in sport. As for development it’s reading,
studying and watching what others do, asking questions and always
searching for the perfect image.

Q – What is your creative process?
A – Get an idea and keep trying until you get it right. Sometimes I might
take 50 images just to get one good one. Sometimes you fail completely, but go back and try again. I import into Lightroom and I also use Nik Colour and Nik Silver Effects. For the weird and wonderful I use Topaz Studio.

Q – Are there fellow artists who inspire you, who either work with the
same media as you, or in other fields?
A – I’m just an enthusiastic amateur photographer who likes to have a go at anything.

Q – Is there a photograph you are most proud of? Why?
A – I have an image of fireworks that is almost perfect symmetry. This is very hard to do and it’s also dependent on how the firework acts as well as the wind!

Q – What are you working on at the moment?
A – Minimalist and very abstract. Trying impressionist and creative macro.